Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Self Defense Seminar, March 7, 2014

Self Defense is an essential skill that everyone should learn to protect themselves and their loved ones.  This seminar provides scenario based techniques to handle common, real life situations. 

You will learn the proper means to remove yourself from many of the horrible circumstances that may occur in life.  Even though, nothing can fully prepare you for what may exist in the world, by attending this seminar, you will be able to understand what you can do to quickly and safely remove yourself from that situation and get to safety.

Within the safe environment of KC Jones Martial Arts Academy, you will get hands on experience dealing with specific real-life scenarios.  Here is how it works:

  • All techniques that are taught have been designed around everyday movements like knocking on a door, turning a key, rubbing your fingers together or just walking. You will leave confident that you will remember what you have been taught because you use the same movements every day.
  • All techniques are taught in a non-violent manner so you will not severely injure anyone, protecting you from liability. Don't be afraid to use what you have learned
  • Courses are taught in a fun, relaxed atmosphere but are very informative and give each group the necessary tools to possibly save their life.
  • Courses are designed to be an hour.
  • The seminar is hands on but is very safe and is taught with the beginner in mind; someone with no previous self-defense knowledge.
  • Be proactive and take advantage of this opportunity now. We normally only host a few of these seminars a year so you will want to take advantage NOW!

Even if you have attended other self-defense seminars from Mr. Jones, you will learn much more and be able to refine the movements previously acquired.  And even more important, you will gain very valuable practice with direct one-on-one guidance from Mr. Jones and his instructors.  This class is an important way for you and your loved ones to learn what to do before it actually does happen.  Mr. Jones also covers those skills to identify bad situations before they occur, giving you hints and tips necessary to prepare before it is too late.

Date: Friday; March 7, 2014
Time: 6:30P.M.
Location: KC Jones Martial Arts Academy, 202 C East Railroad St., Long Beach, MS  39560
Cost: $20 per person

For more details contact Mr. Jones at 228-822-1108 or email at