Monday, September 1, 2014

Tenets of Tae Kwon Do : Self Control

Self-Control (Guk Gi)  tenets-self control
A serious student must learn not to be impatient, to continue steadfastly and to persevere.  Conducting oneself with control whether inside or outside the dojang (school).  An ability to work within one's capabilities.
  • Go have total control of oneself mentally, physically & emotionally
  • To have control over ones desires and actions
  • To have the ability to live and work within the panorama of the self

Taekwondo is not to be used for aggression, but for defense. This is one reason why a student of Taekwondo must learn self-control while he/she is learning techniques. In class, physical self-control is vital to avoid accidentally harming one's self or one's fellow students.

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